Strawberry Cheesecake
1-1/2c almond flour
4T butter
1T liquid sweetener (FiberFit)
2 – 8 oz pkg cream cheese
4 eggs
3T liquid sweetener (FiberFit)
2c chopped strawberries
calories 284, carbs 4.5g, fiber 2g, protein 7.8 g, fat 25.5g
Mix the almond flour and butter, along with the liquid sweenter. I use FiberFit, which is 8x sweeter than sugar.
Press the crust into a 9” springform pan, and bake at 350 degrees for about 15 minutes.
While the crust is baking, mix 2 – 8oz packages of cream cheese (room temperature works best). Add 2 cups of chopped strawberries, 4 eggs and 3T liquid sweeter (1-1/2 cup equivalent). I only used 3T of FiberFit. Mix together well, then pour into springform pan on top of the crust that has been cooked for 15 minutes. Bake the cheesecake at 325° for 1 hour, or until a toothpick comes out clean and it is firm. Let cool. Cut into 12 pieces and enjoy!
Ed loves the cheesecake, even though it is “diet”. It makes you feel like your cheating!