I am a Texas girl through and through transplanted into MN after finding Mr Wonderful. MN is pretty, but the weather is awful.
I have a BS in Medical Technology. I worked in the lab 2 years, then worked for a LIS company in Dallas. When I moved to Minneapolis, I started working for a hospital in their Laboratory Information systems department in IT. After a reorg 9 years ago, I was moved to the Imaging information systems team and have been there ever since. I am Epic Radiant certified and do most of the procedure build, along with supporting PACS and Powerscribe.
I am married to a fabulous Minnesota boy, who works endlessly building his computer consulting business, so I spend a lot of time working on my own projects.
We have no kids, but 2 rotten cats.
I am a type 1 diabetic diagnosed in 1989. I have not found any type 1 diabetics who work out, eat healthy and write about it, so that is part of my reason for starting this site.
I am on an Animas Vibe insulin pump, with the Dexcom continuous glucose monitor. I have been on a pump since 1993.
The CGM mostly makes me crazy, but I like knowing at a glace what my bloodsugar is. I hate the fact that the thing in vibrate only mode beeps when I am low – in meetings, in a one on one conversation with a neighbor and all inconvient times. The thing wakes me up. I mostly control my lows with turning off my pump. I rarely feed my lows, if I did I would weigh 300 lbs and have a rollercoaster ride of icky high and low blood sugars. I eat low carb most of the time and have my carbs to fuel my workouts, usually fruit before a workout.
I work out and eat healthy both for blood sugar management and to make sure my clothes fit.
I will share my tips and tricks for healthy eating along with my projects, my diabetes management, my thoughts and my life.
I enjoy being outside, but am not fond of being cold, so I stay in way too much in the winter, and warm weather in MN is very short season. We love to bike outside when the weather is good.
I sew, knit, and any other variety of fiber arts. I read, but never watch TV.
I like to cook healthy and non healthy foods, but lean towards healthy most of the time. We eat lots of protein and veggies.
I workout to maintain my weight and I like a bit of muscle on me. I broke my leg last summer wake boarding and am still trying to get the muscle I lost back.
We live on the Mississippi river, so I just need a driver and can go wakeboarding on a whim. After the broken leg I am nervous to get back in bindings, so I am learning to wakesurf this year and it is going very well.
I have just partnered with Rodan +Fields life changing skincare, to change my life and hopefully yours if you would like more to life than you have been getting. Come along and see what is happening in this adventure we call life and live pamtastic!